
Love Never Fails

A few weeks ago, a song wrote me, and it all started on Facebook. I had posted my status as “Love never fails.” Within a few minutes, one of my friends commented, “Don’t let me ever forget that.”

A little later, another friend and I were “Facebook-chatting,” and he too commented on my status. He has been having some health issues in recent years and told me that he is in that place where he is ready to die. However, he said, I just can’t imagine the hell I’ve put my family through. He finished by saying, I’m hoping with everything I have that love really never fails.

The next morning, I got out my guitar and started. Within a couple of hours, it was finished.

Love Never Fails

Shadows fall across
The threshold of death’s door
Through this vale of endless tears
Desperate plea
How long, how long, O Lord
Must I wrestle with these fears

Sky is falling, wolf they cry
Save yourself and wave good-bye
My heart hears an angel song

Love never fails
Love never fails
Darkest night, no strength to fight
Taunted by these hells
Love never fails

These are the days
Of apathy and greed
Of itching ears and broken dream
These are the days
Of cutting just to bleed
And we’re too numb to run and scream

Sky is falling, wolf they cry
Save yourself and wave good-bye
My heart hears an angel song

Love never fails
Love never fails
Darkest night, no strength to fight
Taunted by these hells
Love never fails

Comes in weakness, comes with power
Healing through the hopeless hour
Love’s the very air we breathe

Love never fails
Love never fails
Stronger than our blood and fears
Deeper than our hells
Love never fails

When the song was finished, I still had some ideas stirring, brewing inside of me. Looking closely at the lyrics, I picked out five phrases and started writing a short devotional book based solely on the song. For the last few weeks, I’ve been reading these devotional thoughts to the youth on Sunday mornings. I “should” be done writing them in another couple of weeks.
One of last week's writings stuck with me and I felt like sharing it with anyone who dared to come this way.
Love bears scars forever to heal all of our wounds. The scars of Love set us free from death’s numbing grip, set us free to live. Love breaks open the calluses that anesthetize our hearts, allowing us to feel again. Love speaks into the chaotic numbness of our hearts and life is born anew.
Love never fails.

writing by Blog on the Edges

